1 unique contact for your compliance

KYC files
  • KYC & Name Screening App
  • Provision of expert advice
  • KYC files review
  • Blank audit
  • Procedure drafting
  • Procedure update
  • Procedure review
  • Support (Q&A)
Risk analysis
  • Full implementation
  • Risk management app
  • Review of your documents
  • Support (Q&A)
RC controls
  • RC app
  • Definition of the RC plan
  • Set up of RC controls
  • Supporting the RC

Our offers in detail

KYC files (Know Your Customer)

Support in bringing your KYC files into conformity

VIGIL KYC et Name Screening Application

Manage your KYC files autonomously (integrated name screening).

Find out more (link to the VIGIL website)

Contact us for a tailor-made offer 

AML/CTF procedure

Drafting or reviewing your anti-money laundering procedure

Contact us for a tailor-made offer 

AML/CTF Global risk assessment

Set up of your global money laundering risk analysis

Contact us for a tailor-made offer 

RC controls

Support (questions/answers)

Support to RC missions

Contact us for a tailor-made offer 

Risk Pack

AML/CTF risk analysis
  • Support (questions/answers)
  • Risk analysis set-up
  • Access to the VIGIL application (Risk Module)

RC Pack

RC controls missions
  • Support (questions/answers)
  • Support to RC missions
  • Access to the VIGIL application (RC Module)

Full Pack

Full assistance
  • Support (questions/answers)
  • AML/CTF procedure
  • Support to RC missions
  • ML/TF risk analysis
  • KYC assistance

Full Pack

Support (questions/answers)

Review and update of your anti-money laundering procedure

Support to RC missions

Set up of your global money laundering risk analysis

Support in bringing your KYC files into conformity
(Expert at your disposal)

Optional: Access to the VIGIL KYC module

VIGIL application - KYC module :
Manage your KYC files autonomously (integrated name screening).
Price on request, depending on your needs

Contact us for a tailor-made offer 

Discover our other Anti-Money Laundering services!

VIGIL KYC application

Anti-Money Laundering Training

ARCAD advises you in formalising a personalised AML/CTF procedure in compliance with the latest legal and regulatory requirements.

ARCAD assists you in formalising your ML/TF risk analysis. We offer you a personalised approach, taking into account your activities and your customers.

The role of the Responsible for Compliance (RC) is usually assigned to the Board of Directors.

The function of Compliance Officer (RC) must be performed by a person who has sufficient knowledge of Luxembourg AML/CTF requirements.

ARCAD is qualified to assume the role of RC.

ARCAD assists you in setting up a solid identification and identity verification system for your clients.

ARCAD offers an individual ML/TF risk analysis model tailored to take into account all risk factors relevant to your organisation.

ARCAD assists you in setting up a solid identification and identity verification system for your clients.

As an accredited training organisation, ARCAD has a complete & adapted AML/CTF training catalogue.

The training courses are available in Webinar & E-Learning to meet the expectations of participants and to adapt to their schedule.

ARCAD assists you in formalising and updating your training plan.

The AML/CTF training programme is organised over a period of three years in order to take into account the availability of all your employees.

The legal & regulatory framework is constantly evolving in terms of AML/CTF. Don't wait for a regulator's control to bring you up to date.

Trust an AML/CTF expert to quickly identify your weaknesses and put in place a remediation plan.
